Planning Matters
The local planning authority is Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC), which works closely with the parish council on all planning matters.
Most of the parish council’s involvement concerns proposed new developments, and alterations and extensions to existing buildings.
When an application is received by BDBC, a copy is sent to the parish council and the clerk circulates it to members. The application is reviewed and a formal response is sent to BDBC. In some cases a planning meeting may be convened, for example to consider a controversial or particularly complex application, but generally applications are discussed at normal parish council meetings. You can view the minutes on the Agenda & Minutes page of this website.
General information and a searchable database of current and historic planning applications, with viewable documentation, can be found in the Council Planning Portal. Residents can also visit the borough council’s offices and informally meet a planning officer for advice and guidance on new or existing applications.
We will post new Planning Applications we have been made aware of in the news feed of this site. Any resident can comment directly to B&DBC about an application. It is helpful if a copy of any comment is also sent to the Parish Council.
Local Plan
The Adopted Local Plan is the borough council’s key planning document, used as the basis for all planning decisions taken within the borough. For more information and to view the plan visit