Cubitt Builders
Kolkinnon House, Up Nately RG27 9PD
Below is a fully searchable list of local services. To add your business/service to our directory please get in touch.
Kolkinnon House, Up Nately RG27 9PD
Logs & kindling wood. Fencing.
Fully qualified, reliable and professional, with over 50 years’ experience. Services include: New heating systems, hot water systems, upgrades, new bathrooms, welding, landlords certificates, lead work.
Gas safe registered (542535)
Reliable Local Electrician
All electrical work undertaken
Lighting |Sockets | Fuseboards | Outbuildings | Fault-Finding | Rewiring & any other electrical work for your home or business
For a no obligation quote please call John
Affordable dentistry, with clear results for the whole family. Gentle, reliable and highly qualified to care for all your dental needs. From routine to complex and nervous cases. Come and visit us in Basingstoke and Alton. Love your dentist.
Studies, Bookcases, Libraries and Home Offices. Freestanding and Fitted Furniture. Designed and made in Herriard Park.
Specialists in Antique & Decorative carpets. View our huge stock by appointment at our Crondall showroom, opposite the church.Additional services include cleaning, restoration & valuations.The Old Parsonage,
Crondall, GU10 4NF
Catering for all types of events, creating bespoke menus tailored to suit you.
Instagram: @franwithapan
Available in your area from a French native speaker. From grammar to conversation, all levels are catered for with learning tailored to the individual’s needs. Lessons can be organised for groups or individuals in your home or online.
Call Nadia.
Internal and external window and conservatory cleaning. Gutter, fascia/soffit, solar panel and greenhouse cleaning. Patio/Driveway cleaning and gutter repairs. Call 01256 704611 or email