The council is cracking down on dog owners who fail to clear up after their pet has fouled in a public space by introducing tougher penalties.
Anybody caught not cleaning up after their dog has fouled in a public space, or not carrying with them a way of clearing up after their dog, such as dog poo bags, faces an on-the-spot fine of £100 or a court prosecution. This is double the previous fixed penalty notice of £50 which could be issued for dog fouling offences. A borough-wide public spaces protection order for dog fouling will enable the tougher penalties to be enforced. It is an offence for dog owners to not clear up after their dog has fouled in a public space and requires they carry an appropriate means to pick up their dog’s poo.
The council is reacting to growing concern and numerous complaints from borough residents about an increase in dog fouling in their neighbourhoods.
A public consultation on plans to introduce the order saw 97 per cent of the 848 respondents agree that people who fail to pick up after their dogs have fouled is a problem in the borough and supported the proposed powers to deal with this.
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